
HGAC.co.uk.com is a resource for ArcheryGB qualified coaches who are Members of AGB Clubs in Hertfordshire.
The site is run by HGAC, the Hertford Group of Archery Coaches, the Hertfordshire coaching group.
It is intended primarily as a resource for AGB Hertfordshire Archery Coaches and AGB Hertfordshire Archers.
Certain parts of the site are also uniquely available to all ArcheryGB registered coaches (including those students currently on Level 1 courses).

The HGAC Group is organised by Malcolm Penn who is the current HGAC CCO (HGAC Chief Coach Officer) assisted by other AGB Coaches which looks at open coaching and trains Hertfordshire AGB Archers.
Malcolm Penn can be contacted at Chair@HGAC.co.uk or malcolm.penn@btinternet.com

The Webmaster is Nick Lockett, and can be contacted at Secretariat@HGAC.co.uk